A global campaign to end to leprosy

Under lockdown the Black Agency managed to pull together a global team to pitch a global campaign for The Leprosy Mission. Our concept won and produced a 45 second TV, with 3 cutdowns and plenty of print to support the shadows idea. Children were literally shadows of their former selfs and just wanted to get back to their friends and family. We managed to negotiate our way through cultural codes, concepts, COVID, floods in Nepal, bad internet, 4 different filming projects by four different production companies in four different countries and come out with a campaign that is strikingly close to the original chosen concept. Melissa Turkington Art Director, Chris Howden Copywriter, Mark Davey from Black pulling it all together. The client was delighted and said: I’d like to add a huge thank you for the excellent quality of the work that you and your team have done to deliver the Global Fundraising Campaign in very testing times of Covid, extreme weather and some safety issues that had to mitigated against! 

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